Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Leave it to Texas

Because only in Texas would their hate of one group get to spread to everybody.  Instead of creating an atmosphere of tolerance and acceptance, Texas decided to discriminate against all.  "Corpus Cristi, Texas's Flour Bluff Intermediate School District Superintendent, Julie Carbajal, has decreed that all extracurricular clubs on campus will be shut down to prevent the formation of a Gay-Straight Alliance group."  (Bilerico.com)

There is a federal law passed in 1984 that requires schools to offer "fair opportunities for students to form student-led extracurricular groups, regardless of their religious, political and philosophical leanings." 
But Texas doesn't want to do that.  They didn't want to lose their federal funding for not allowing the GSA to form in the schools, so they figured out how to avoid that.

And what is soooo wrong about GSA?  Well, "a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is a student-run club in a high school or middle school that brings together LGBTQ and straight students to support each other, provide a safe place to socialize, and create a platform for activism to fight homophobia and transphobia." (GSANetwork.org ) Homophobia and transphobia probably run rampant in the state of Texas and they must not be up for the fight.

With all of the hate that has been spewing out and the bullying that has been going on, it would seem that allowing a group of kids to get together and fight against it would be nice.  And the GSA is a good organization.  I personally know of two high-schoolers -one straight and one gay- who were part of a GSA at their school.  And, not to sound too much like a proud mom, but they turned out pretty well.

As a good mom, I think I will definitely tell both the kids to stay the hell out of Texas.

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