Friday, February 25, 2011

Crimes Against Humanity

If there was somebody out there who led a group that backed raping children and promoted actions that were proven to cause death, then it would seem that humanity might want to do something.  And now, it seems that somebody is doing something.  A 16,500 word document outlining the charges has been submitted to the International Criminal Court at the Hague.  (The New Civil Rights Movement)

And just who is facing the charges of these crimes against humanity?  That would be - Pope Benedict XVI.  He is being charged for his "part in the Vatican’s pedophile priests molestation and rape scandals, and the Vatican’s 'adherence to a fatal forbiddance of the use of condoms, even when the danger of HIV-Aids infection exists'".

The Pope said in his end of year message to Cardinals that pedophilia wasn't considered an "absolute evil."  Did anybody ask the kids if it was?   And in light of the global AIDS crisis, "the behavior of the church has been immoral and irresponsible."

Benedict has a few issues with same-sex marriages, too, although he doesn't see marriage as a God-given right.  He just thinks that same-sex marriages are 'penalizing' opposite-sex marriages.  AmericaBlog’s Joe Sudbay thinks that "Catholic leaders in America...should start worrying about the crimes committed by their boss."

Catholics in America are a part of humanity, too.

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