Monday, March 21, 2011

... And winds don't create watches

Yes, the time-pieces.  That is what Republican state Rep. Bill Zedler of Arlington told Zedler is the author of a bill in Texas that would make it illegal to discriminate against creationists on the job.  So, if a teacher believes in intelligent design, then they should be able to keep working and teaching.

There are a few flaws in Mr. Zedler's defense of his bill, however.  First there is that thing about the watches.  Not sure exactly what he was trying to prove, but somehow the "by chance" theory of Evolutionists would mean that if a person walked out into a windstorm, they would assume that a watch was created.  And that just ain't right, according to Zedler.  No such thing is by chance. 

He probably believes in Henry M. Morris and John C. Whitcomb Jr.'s The Genesis Flood, that argued that creation was literally 6 days long, that humans lived concurrently with dinosaurs, and that God created each 'kind' of life individually. (

So, equality is good.  Maybe the unscientific Creationists should not be fired for their beliefs.  But Zedler doesn't believe in a universal equality.  He has never authored a bill about discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, or marital status.  Texas has no such legislation.  When asked, he said he would have to think on a bill like that.

The forecast in Colorado today might be good... I could use a new watch

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