Monday, March 28, 2011


Just a little, that is.  Congressional Republicans want to cut funding to address the federal deficit.  One of the things that they want to cut is Planned Parenthood.  Yet, on the other hand, one Republican wants to provide federal funds to "pregnancy resource centers" (read: religious counseling centers) for the purchase of sonogram machines.  That way they can help counsel women against having an abortion. (

Now, to get the money for the sonograms, nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations would have to show every woman seeking services the ultrasound image and describe to them the "general anatomical and physiological description of the characteristics of the fetus." And provide "alternatives to abortion" like birthing the child and adoption.

So, let's cut funding to "family planning programs" like Planned Parenthood and fund anti-abortionist "pregnancy resource centers" to promote an ideal.

Perfect.  Perfect Hypocrites

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