Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh Gawd

Or perhaps the other God.  That is what some think is to blame for the devastation in Japan.  Because obviously, a loving God would kill innocent children and elderly women to show that the stuff we're doing is not really working out real well.

And who might be spreading this fantasy?  Well, A Christian far right-wing conservative and video blogger named tamtampamela.  She "prayed to her god" to open the eyes of athiests.  And what are the athiests going to see when their eyes are opened?  A God who caused the mess over there.  (OpposingViews.com)

Then there is good ol' Glenn Beck.  He thinks Gaia or Jesus is sending a message.  A message about that "stuff we're doing".  And Glenny thinks "Maybe we should stop doing some of it. The world, I mean literally, the world is moving under your feet. I mean, could there be a bigger sign?" (MediaMatters.org)

Does God or Jesus or Gaia send signs like this?  Do any of them really cause earthquakes to open eyes?  Or are earthquakes actually a reaction of the grinding together of the tectonic plates? (Wiki.Answers.com) Oh, yeah.  That must be it.  Scientifically, as opposed to right-wing-bat-shittery.

So, to Pamela and Glenn... all that can be said is "Oh Gawd."

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