Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

A lot is being written about this today. International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.  There have been some remarkable women in the past 100 years.  Time has a list of the "Top 25" and they include some very powerful women. (Full List)

  • Corazon Aquino President who ran in the 1986 presidential election against Ferdinand Marcos
  • Marie Curie discovered polonium and radium, founded the concept of radiology and — above all — made the possibility of a scientific career seem within reach for countless girls and women
  • Indira Gandhi was elected Prime Minister in 1966
  • Golda Meir was a formidable figure in Israeli politics
  • Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League — later known as Planned Parenthood
  • Mother Teresa created a global network of more than 4,000 sisters running orphanages and AIDS hospices

These women did something.  The made their - and our - worlds better.  But what about the "powerful women" of today?  There aren't too many of them.  There is Hillary Clinton, who became Secretary of State in 2009 and Aretha Franklin was the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, in 1987.  But some of the women who believe they have power today, aren't doing a whole lot.

There is Jan Brewer, the Arizona Governor who wanted to re-deploy the National Guard of the United States along the southern Arizona border and make all immigrants carry a card to prove that they belonged.  She also cut Medicaid for one in five Arizonans.  She is now facing a recall.  (Huffington Post)

Then, Michele Bachmann, the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 6th congressional district wants to defund "ObamaCare" and Planned Parenthood.  She also has her eyes on 2012 and thinks that the current administration is running a "gangster government."  (Politico)

And what about the witch, Senatorial Candidate Christine O'Donnel, who is accused of using campaign funds for living expenses?  (Link)  Or the fact that she was offered a spot on Dancing with the Stars.

Of course, what list of disappointing women would not include Sarah Palin.  There is not enough blog space to tell everything she has done.  Just recently she called Kathy Griffin a "bully" and had to say that the rumors of her thinking Africa was a country were lies.  Although, according to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron and the McCain campaign, she actually did think that.  (Huffington Post)

So, on this International Women's Day, we need some better women out there.  Geez, where are all the good women?? 

And what are we going to do about the future??

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