Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hog Wild

So, in Texas - of all places - a state lawmaker proposed allowing ordinary citizens with rifles and shotguns to thin out millions of wild pigs that tear up crops and eat just about anything in their path.  They would be able to get at the 300 pound critters via helicopter.  The "bubbas" will get to save $52 million a year in crop damage (but no beer during the hunt). (

Now, things in Kansas - of all places - have gone a little too far.  A legislator said Monday it might be a good idea to control illegal immigration the same way.  Rep. Virgil Peck, R-Tyro, said “I was just speaking like a southeast Kansas person.”  Although he did say that he was just joking, but his constituents are upset with illegal immigration. (

This is not the only odd Tea Party-esque legislative idea.  There is the Montana bill declaring global warming “beneficial to the welfare and business climate of Montana”; a plan in Georgia to abolish driver’s licenses because licensing violates the “inalienable right” to drive; legislation in South Dakota that would require every adult to buy a gun.  (

But perhaps gunning down immigrants from above is just a little more wild... Hog Wild.

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