Friday, March 18, 2011

Are All Colleges Gonna Be In Jersey Now?

Or maybe on some Survivor Island?  Because one of the standards for getting in to college is changing the way people think about the standards of college.  The SAT Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The SAT measures literacy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college.  (

There have been some controversies with the SAT.  Some have accused designers of the verbal SAT of cultural bias toward the white and wealthy.  As an example, one question asks to find the pair of terms that have the relationship most similar to the relationship between "runner" and "marathon". The correct answer was "oarsman" and "regatta".  Not too many non-boating kids would probably pick up on that one right away.

Now, things are changing how the bias is being swung.  A question on one recent version of the SAT asked students to assess the social impact of reality television. (HuffingtonPost)  Now, the PBS watching, Regatta racing, college bound kids might not get that.  Snooki, on the other hand...

The question was pretty generic, though.  Not like they asked who the next American Idol was going to be.  "Do people benefit from forms of entertainment that show so-called reality, or are such forms of entertainment harmful?" 

But some writers at Huff Post thought up a few more that might be interesting:

  • If the radius of Kim Kardashian's ass is 36 cm, what is the circumference?  Show your work.
  • Compare and contrast the social impact of Kanye West's interruption of the VMA's with his tweet on abortion.
  • Which of these celebrity Twitter accounts is not verified:  @charlieshee, @allyssa_milano, #JayZ, @therealadamwest?
  • If a hot tub had a diameter of 8 ft and holds 500 gallons of water, how many cast members of the 'Jersey Shore' can fit in it?

Time to head to college!

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