Friday, March 4, 2011

Real News

That is something, according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that the U.S. is severely lacking in.  And she thinks that Al Jazeera is better at offerring more "real news" then the American Media.  Al Jazeera was "changing peoples' minds and attitudes. And like it or hate it, it is really effective." (

And what "real news" does the U.S. get?  Well, once again, we get Faux News, who today has four different stories about Charlie Sheein on their webpage.  And in last night's Daily Show with Jon Stewart, their obvious hypocrisy was dutifully pointed out.  "Stewart took a look at how Fox News was reporting on the story (of the unions in Wisconsin), specifically compared to how they covered similar threats to the Bush tax cuts and bailed-out bank CEOs' salaries." (

Stewart pointed out that on one hand Faux News says that those who make $250,000 a year are not rich - even close to poverty, but government employees in Wisconsin should expect to see cuts in their $50,000 a year salary plus benefits.  Faux News also says that teachers don't deserve as much money because they "don't work as much". (Megyn Kelly)  Really... The "Greed Based" bankers did work a full 12 months, and teachers only work 9 per year.

SO, it is ok to lower teacher salaries, but bailed-out CEOs should not have their incomes limited because it would be detrimental to the global economy.

There is definitely something wrong with "Real" Fox News.  Perhaps we should just consider Jon Stewart and the Daily Show the only "Real News" we need.

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