Monday, March 14, 2011

Protect Marriage??

As part of their "About", NOM states the following:

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to protect marriage (NOM)

Their mission is to protect marriage.  But who are they protecting it from?  They say they need to "educate the public about the consequences of same-sex marriage."  Because, obviously it is same-sex marriage that is hurting marriage and thus makes it in need of protection.

But, what about the other attacks on marriage?  Does NOM not feel obligated to protect marriage universally?  Or are they just picking on those of us who would like some equality? 

And what other attacks on marriage are there, you ask?

Well, there is E!'s "Bridalplasty", which bases a good marriage on a good nose job.  Or VH1's "Wedding Wars" that pits 12 couples against each other to prove that a good marriage is one that starts out with a war over the best venue.  There are more along that line: WEtv's "Bridezillas" or TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress."   (
“When it comes to modern marriages, people forget that it’s not about the wedding ceremony or that one day, it is about the rest of your lives together,” relationship expert and author of “The Man Whisperer,” Samantha Brett, said.  But obviously, NOM doesn't have an issue with this.

The rest of your lives... together.  The President of the United States recently said that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional.  The GOP packed House decided that it was and they would defend that in court.  But, a repeal of DOMA already has 105 original co-sponsors and is headed for a vote this Wednesday.  (

Marriage Equality - a much better thing to protect.

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