Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If we just had more kids

There is a lot of discussion right now about Social Issues (as opposed to those silly old jobs that the winning GOP promised during that election last November).  And of course the biggest issue that the Republicans are dealing with is the right of women to choose.  Arizona just passed a law that fights discrimination - of the fetus, basically.  They have outlawed "selective" abortions, making "it a felony to perform or provide financing for an abortion sought because of the race or sex of the fetus." (

Now, in Kansas and Idaho, laws have been passed that would not allow abortions past the point when a fetus can feel pain (although it is not necessarily scientifically sound that there is an actual point in time).  Minnesota had already approved in committee a 20 week limit.  Kansas has opted for 22 weeks and Idaho agrees on 20. (MotherJones)

The most bewildering news regarding this particular social issue, however, is out of the mouth of Rick Santorum.  Santorum has decided that the problem with social security is "the abortion culture in this country".  He thinks that because "a third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion" and therefore they don't pay into social security and support the retirees. (

So, if there was just more kids, the GOP wouldn't have to complain about social security either.

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