Wednesday, March 23, 2011

There's an app for that...

And it seems, some Senators didn't think there should be.  This group had called on Apple and other manufacturers to ban an app that alerts drivers to DUI checkpoints.  The Dems described such applications as a menace to road safety.  They think "giving drunk drivers a free tool to evade checkpoints, putting innocent families and children at risk, is a matter of public concern."  (

However, the Senators didn't quite get the reaction they'd hoped for.  Joe Scott, CEO of PhantomALERT, said that downloads are up by 5,000 percent and sales are up by 3,000 percent since the four senators voiced concern about the product.  Our government at work to protect the nation.

Now, here is something that worked.  Truth Wins Out had started a petition on to have the "Gay Cure" app removed from Apple sites.  This download was designed to prove that homosexuality is “curable.”   Most respected medical associations such as the AMA and APA have all rejected “ex-gay” therapy.

Today, as that petition approached 150,000 signatures, Apple pulled the plug.  Exodus International President Alan Chambers, who created the app,  tweeted his frustration:  It’s official, the @ExodusInl App is no longer in the @AppStore. Incredibly disappointing. Watch out, it could happen to you. #freedom (

He is upset that his app promoting hate is no longer available. 

Hate.  There is NOT an app for that.

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