Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This Could be Good News

So, when you are a possibly running for President of the United States, you don't get to have free political advertising on a "major" network.  Or so it seems.  And you also don't get to be paid for advertising yourself on a "major" network

Fox News (ergo the quotes around "major") has suspended the contracts of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.  Their "contracts will be terminated unless they notify Fox that they are not running for president.”  (  Now neither has officially announced a run for the presidency, but there is definite speculation that Gingrich will announce that he is forming an exploratory committee to run on Thursday.

Running for presidency will definitely hurt the checkbooks for these two, though.  Santorum has been making around $100,000 a year, and Gingrich has been making nearly $1 million a year. ( Not sure if the salary for world leader is that lucrative, but it might work out better for Santorum.

And now the good news!  As pointed out in the Swampland on  Does this mean Palin and Huckabee have notified Fox that they are not running for president??  So could it be that good ol' Sarah doesn't want to lose her lucrative salary at Fox News??  And really, when would she find the time to lead the USA while she is so busy hunting caribou, tweeting and updating her TWO Facebook pages.

Wonder if we could encourage Glenn Beck to run for president??

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