Friday, April 1, 2011

Just pay the fat fee...

And no, that is not a typo.  It is not a "FLAT" fee that Arizonians will have to pay, but a "FAT" fee.

The wonderful Republican Gov. Jan Brewer has decided that she wants no fat people in Arizona.  She is proposing a $50 charge for the obese.  Now, only Medicaid patients would have to pay this "big-bottom dollar" and only if they fail to follow a plan for slimming down.  She also wants fees for smokers and those with a chronic disease.  (

Jan thinks that this fat fee will fill in about $500 million in the budget.  Don't know if she has done the math, however.  2009 CDC stats show that 1.7 million people are obese in Arizona, but not all of them are on Medicaid.  So it might not hit that 500 mil total.

So in order to provide businesses with phased-in tax cuts and breaks, let's just tax the fat people.

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