Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In a Tank or a Jet Fighter

Basically, it is okay to be gay in either of those.  Or any other military conveyance.  The "long awaited" Pentagon report on how those in the military think about gays in the military was released today.  And it "indicates that over two-thirds of service members do not object to gays and lesbians serving openly in the U.S. armed forces." (CNN.com)

The report also pointed out "more than nine out of 10 troops said their unit's ability to work with someone they thought was gay or lesbian was very good, good, or neither good nor bad."  But, that doesn't necessarily mean that 'don't ask, don't tell' will be repealed this year.  There are only a few weeks left for this Congress to vote on it, and with all this other stuff going on, they might not get to it.

So, you can be gay in a Tank or a Jet Fighter.  But, you might not be able to be gay in a Pirate Ship or Dumbo ride at Disney world...  Johnny Depp told Vanity Fair that Disney "couldn't stand" his Pirates of the Caribbean character Jack Sparrow and one person there even asked if Sparrow was gay.  Although, Depp replied "all my characters are gay," that makes Disney executives nervous. 

Oh, well me Maties... don't ask, don't tell when you're hunting for the dead man's chest.

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