Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nice Weather We Are Having

Yes, a blatant attempt to change the subject.  But, alas we are still subject to "mid-term elections".  And if you have seen any TV or read any paper or looked at any website, you know the GOP/TP has 239 seats in the House vs. 185 Democrats.  And the Dems have 51 Senate seats to the 46 GOP/TP ones.

But, there are other stories about this election.  Californians didn't want legalized marijuana, dude.  Denver residents voted down a plan to officially track space aliens. San Francisco outlaws the Happy Meal.  And a deceased California Democrat won re-election to the State Senate, 58% to 36%.  That says something about her challenger, doesn't it? (

Oh, and this Sarah Palin candidate in Atlanta won something too:
J/K Read the story here

So, now back to the weather.

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