Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Smarter in Louisiana

There is a rich diversity of people in Louisiana, according to the state's website,  And now, those people will be smarter.  It all starts with new high school textbooks with real science in them, instead of 'pseudoscience'.  The Associated Press reports that "A state panel recommended Friday that Louisiana's top education board adopt a new batch of high school biology textbooks."

Why is that newsworthy?  Well, because some people objected to the books because the books "should include information about intelligent design and don't offer enough questioning about certain parts of evolutionary theory."  So, intelligent design, which the dean of the LSU College of science says is "simply not science" needs to be taught to high school students, according to these people.

So, yes there is a God.  And it seems officials in Louisiana might be listening to experts and not the Religious Right fanatics.  Amen.

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