Friday, November 12, 2010

Writing Memoirs For Dummies

Obviously there should be such a book.  It may have helped a certain former President with some "Decision Points".  George W. is making rounds trying to sell the tome.  Jon Stewart had a few laughs at his expense, pointing out that there are some definite contradictions that Mr. Bush has made on the talk show circuit.

Some of them were small.  Like telling most of the talk show hosts that he had never compromised his principles, and then telling Matt Lauer that he indeed compromised the principle of capitalism.  Then he talked about how he bent the rules on water-boarding and had to follow the rules on Katrina and couldn't send in troops.  Stewart skewered him on these points.

But, now for the need for a "dummies" help book.  Mr. Bush hadn't really done all of the writing of his very own memoir.  It seems that he lifted "quotes word for word from other peoples' books, passing them off as his own recollections." (  People like General Tommy Franks, the BBC and Time Magazine.

He even put in some flat out lies.  He wrote a passage about a poignant meeting between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and a Tajik warlord on Karzai's Inauguration Day.  The funny thing is... Bush never attended the inauguration.

Maybe he should have just stuck with "See Spot Run."

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