Wednesday, November 17, 2010

All Things Palin

Probably shouldn't be written about, but if they aren't 'exposed' now, then it leaves that scary thought of President Palin.  She has told the New York Times Magazine that she is thinking about a 2012 bid.  But she is a little worried about 'being under the bus' again.  Sadly she says "Other candidates haven't faced these criticisms the way I have," although perhaps she deserves some criticism.  (Global Language Monitor to name "refudiate" as one of the top words used in 2010.)

Her new book "America By Heart" (not written on her palm) is coming out soon and she tells the world how she loves Simon Cowell from American Idol.  She loves him because he tells the "self-esteem-enhanced but talent deprived performers" that they "in fact, can’t sing, regardless of what they have been told by others." (  Would Simon tell her that she can't, in fact run a country?

And then there should be some criticism of her lovely children.  First there is Bristol "winning" dancing with the stars, although she can't dance and there is a Tea Party conspiracy to get the audience vote “Operation Bristol waltzes in tonight! As #DWTS starts vote at Tweeps pls tweet phone info, will RT.” (

Then there is her other daughter.  "Willow Palin, 16, told a Facebook friend that he was 'so gay' and used the homophobic insult (the 'f-word') after he criticised former Alaska governor Mrs. Palin’s reality TV show." (  She then goes on to type “Sorry that you guys are all jealous of my families success and you guys aren’t goin to go anywhere with your lives.”  The future of America, behind the Mamma Grizzly... how many "families" does she have?

Very scary prospect that this could be the new "First Family" of the U.S.  And sorry about the kittens.

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