Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

Poor Christine O'Donnell.  What will she be when she grows up?  Obviously, it ain't going to be a Senator.  Becuase of course it was just a "symptom of Republican cannibalism" with the likes of Karl Rove dining on her political career. Perhaps she could be a professional Wiccan.  Or maybe a professional virgin... 

But, wait.  She could follow in her Mamma Grizzly's paw prints and get a spot on Fox News.  "O'Donnell made Fox News her national media home during her campaign" and boasted that she had "Sean Hannity in [her] back pocket."  (  Nope, nevermind.  The network told Mediaite it has "no plans to hire her."

Oh, well, poor Christine.  Maybe she should follow in the paw prints of a Grizzly Cub... Dancing With the Stars.

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