Monday, November 8, 2010

Social Media Sobriety Test

This is probably a good idea.  For all of those people who sit at home alone on a Friday night, partaking of a little of the fire water, and decide to tell the whole world that they got dumped by some bitch, or their ex is really an ass, or whatever else might be bothering them.

But help is just a download away:  "Social Media Sobriety Test" a free Firefox plug-in from online-security company Webroot. (  "[T]he plug-in will ask you to pass a simple test before being able log on" during hours of the day that you decide might be susceptible to drunkeness and make it hard for you to be nice on Facebook or Twitter.  Because, according to the website "Nothing good happens online after 1am." Just 3 steps will help you be a sober tweeter or a responsible FB friend.  Download/Customize, pass a test, post away (or if you fail, maybe just go to bed.) 

So, maybe, before you type something like this into your status bar "I'm drunk, ate 4 bags of doritos and a box of pizza pops. Who wants to webcam?" you should download the test.

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