Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where is the Outrage?

All through the elections, the Tea Baggers were screaming about "less government and more freedom."  At least according to Jim DeMint, Republican senator from South Carolina (  But there is little noise about that now, two weeks after the elections.  Where is the outrage?  Where are the rallies to get the government out of our daily lives?

The government is still in.  Lawmakers in Northern California want to regulate Happy Meals, for goodness sake.  A San Francisco law would limit toy giveaways in children's meals that have excessive calories, sodium and fat. It also requires servings of fruits or vegetables with each meal (  So, where are the Tea Baggers for the rights of the children to get Nuggets and Megamind toys?

And another case is this law passed in June 2009 giving the FDA authority to regulate tobacco, including marketing and labeling guidelines, banning certain products and limiting nicotine. Now, the FDA wants to scare the bajeebus out of smokers.  The FDA is proposing 36 labels for public comment, which include phrases like "smoking can kill you" and "cigarettes cause cancer," but also feature graphic images to convey the dangers of tobacco use.

Come On Tea Bagger society!  Get your posters out!  Go hold a rally in D.C.! 

Wait, maybe nuggets and smokes aren't worth it.

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