Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Faux News - Flying over the Cuckoo's Nest

Whether it is Glenn Beck and his chalkboard (too many examples to cite), or Bill O'Reilly taking on "cartoons" (he didn't like their spoof "Not Racist, But # 1 With Racists") or that what is Sarah Palin (again too many to cite), Faux News is a crazy place.  And today, they have another, perfect example of the crazy.

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team.  He wrote the headline on FoxNews.com today:  "TSA Scans -- All Part of Obama's Plan."  The doctor speaks of the Obama Administration's "contempt for individual autonomy and callousness when it comes to balancing liberty and government authority."  He also says "The TSA and its procedures are Obama's biggest public education initiative" teaching our children that it is ok "to be humiliated by uniformed government security personnel."   FoxNews.com

What the doctor fails to mention, however, is that the TSA was not Obama's plan.  It was created by the 107th Congress on November 19, 2001.  Hmmm, and who was in charge of the government then?  And the TSA was were given mandates by that Congress: "responsibility for security for all modes of transportation; recruit, assess, hire, train, and deploy Security Officers for 450 commercial airports from Guam to Alaska in 12 months; and, provide 100 percent screening of all checked luggage for explosives."  TSA.Gov

Yes, it is a scary place we live in (and have to fly out of).  But, accusing Mr. Obama of taking away independence or freedom and thrusting government authority on the masses, is not fair or balanced.  Dr. Ablow tells us "I am not paranoid. Trust me; I'm a shrink."

Right, the inmates have overrun the asylum.

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