Wednesday, December 1, 2010


That is the hot topic today.  It is all about food.  The only thing that the Senate can agree on is food.  In an article at, the passing of a new food safety bill is praised as "Sweeping" and "Bipartisan".  So, the thought of "MORE GOVERNMENT" to regulate and require more inspections so that kids in the midwest don't get poisoned by salmonella laced eggs, is just fine with this group.  They can't agree on anything else, but at least they can agree on no more e coli.

But there may be another battle along the food lines coming up.  Last week before Thanksgiving, as you  may recall, Sarah Palin was very upset with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" program to get kids to eat better and be more active.  Sarah thinks (and that term is used lightly) the government needs to quit trying to control everything and let parents exercise their "God-given rights" to make their own decisions for their families. (  So it is not the government's place to save the kids this time.  Let the parents raise obese children if they want to.

Wonder what Ms. Palin would think if the government wanted to regulate another group of people's diets?  "The U.S. Army plans to get new recruits into better shape with a revamped approach to health, fitness and diet at basic training." (  Imagine that.  The government wants to replace soda fountains with milk and juice dispensers and white bread and pasta will be replaced by whole grains.

Come on, Sarah!  Go fight a war with the Army!  It is a Private's "God-given right" to eat whatever the hell they want to!  You go get 'em, Palin. 

Where is a good, old fashioned - fling the gravy - type of food fight, when you need one?

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