Monday, November 22, 2010

Should we all try failing?

Failure must have many different definitions.  Faux News ran a story where Mitt Romney says that President Obama and the Democrats "failed" America.  And they all want Mr. Obama out!

But in other areas - well, same area really, just different people - failure doesn't mean the end of somebody.  "A failure is [one] who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience."  ~Elbert Hubbard.  Just ask Sarah Palin, "With a showbiz-fueled net worth widely estimated in the double-digit millions" (  So it pays for her to have failed as a Vice Presidential candidate and governor.

And somebody is following in the Momma Grizzly's footsteps.  Christine O'Donnell is on tap to headline the Northern Virginia Tea Party's annual fundraiser next month, speaking at an event called "Celebrating Our Progress." (  Tea Party spokesperson Daniel Cortez says, "She's a role model for others."

So, a failed Senatorial candidate is still getting the spotlight, and seen as a role model.  Probably thinks that if she keeps this up she will get to be on Dancing With the Stars and the Tea Partiers can help her win, too.

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