Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Day of Reckoning

It has been a long mid-term election season.  It seems to have gone on forever.  And today is the last day.  After today there will be no more hateful ads on the TV or radio every 10 seconds.  News programs will have nothing to talk about.  FauxNews will not know what to do with itself.  Even Stewart and Colbert may not find anything to report on -- well, that might not be true, there is always something for them.

So, today - in an effort to stymie the withdrawal symptoms of the Decision 2010 ending - Time.com has "25 Crazy Moments from A Crazy Election Campaign". And oh what memories they bring back.  Sharron Angle (NV) running from the press to avoid having to say anything.  Krystal Ball (VA) with racy Facebook pictures.  And wonderful Sarah promoting her "Mamma Grizzlies."

But there are plenty more:

  • There was Ohio Republican Rich Lott, who participated in reenactments as a Nazi soldier, saying his fascination was with the military history and not ideology of the Third Reich.

  • New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, in an discussion with New York Post political columnist Fred Dicker.  Being the true NY city kinda guy, Paladino told Dicker "I'll take you out, buddy!"

  • Then there is Ken Buck.  The Colorado Senate hopeful has said many crazy things, but it all started during the primary season when he was asked by an attendee why she should vote for him, Buck answered, "Because I do not wear high heels."  Is that a fashion statement?

  • Jimmy McMillan, "the gloved and bearded maestro of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party" running for Governor of New York -- that crazy just speaks for itself.

  • Alaska Republican Joe Miller's private security guards detained and handcuffed Alaska Dispatch reporter Tony Hopfinger at a campaign event in Anchorage.

  • Dan Maes, the Republican candidate for governor in Colorado (no really, he is still running) who thought that Hickenlooper's bicycle-promotion in Denver would "threaten our personal freedoms," and put us "under a United Nations treaty."

  • Then there is Christine O'Donnell, who could have taken a few spots all by herself in the Crazy Moments department.  There is no masturbating, why don't monkeys still evolve and of course, I am not a Witch... I am you.

Here are all 25

Now, we have 2 years until the next big election.  Would not be surprised if the number of crazy moments between now and then is far greater than 25.  GET OUT AND VOTE!


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