Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to Make It on DWTS, and Influence People?

As most everybody knows, DWTS - Dancing with the Stars - is a reality show airing on ABC in the United States, and CTV in Canada (WikiPedia.com).  And of course there are big "STARS" on the show.  In the Spring of this year, the top three "dancers" were Nicole Scherzinger, Evan Lysacek and Erin Andrews (??? Who are these "stars"?)

The current season has another notable "star".  She has a lot of 'courage, grace and diversity', according to her mom.  And she proffers such great life lessons.  No, not the kind about not getting pregnant at 16, but more along the lines of "They're going to criticize anyway, so I might as well DANCE!" (@SarahPalinUSA - Twitter account).

So, yeah, Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is on the show.  And what better thing for the Rogue Tea Bagger could there be?  Having the Palin name once again all over TV is perfect set-up for a political career.  And just think if Bristol - the dancer - won?

But, perhaps this is just another scam being run by the "housewife" from Alaska.  Although the dancing Diva "received the judges’ worst score" last week, she was not kicked off the show (Bloomberg.com)  And why?  Well, because the #TeaParty Twitter Brigade is conducting a "Get Out The Vote" campaign (JoeMyGod.Blogspot.com).  If the Tea Baggers can win the House, then little Bristol should be able to win DWTS.

So, Sarah's influence goes on.  Scary.  But why didn't she and Todd just stuff the DWTS ballot box themselves?  "The maximum number of votes per voter per medium is equal to the number of couples performing that night, or five votes, whichever is larger."  That would only be 30 votes between the two of them. 

So, let the tweeting - and the voting - begin, Tea Baggers.  Another triumph for liberty!

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