Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Do Away the Gay

It is surprising that none of the anti-gay, homophobes out there didn't come up with this great idea.  Maybe the fact that this story proves that homosexuality is natural in all species makes them shy away.  But all the gay-haters have to do is tell everyone that the human race is in jeopardy of extinction and then *presto* do away the gay.

So, at a zoo in Canada, there are these two penguins.  Pedro and Buddy were brought to the zoo to hook up with a couple of eligible females.  Instead the two male penguins bonded with each other.  Now, the zoo is going to isolate them from each other to see if they can get the "boys interested" in looking at the girl penguins. (TheNewCivilRightsMovement)

All that NOM and AFA have to do, then, is convince the world that the human population is going to go bye-bye if we don't stop all this gay-ness.  Make the gays and the lesbians all get together so that the world doesn't lose the wonderful human race.  But, wait!  Several of my homosexual friends have - or are going to have - babies...

Oh, and the Duggars are expecting their 20th baby... they won't let extinction happen.  (MSNBC)

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