Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lower Funding = Lower Standards

That is about all that can be said to explain the House GOP.  Now, this has nothing to do with the lowliness of the current House GOP... It all has to do with food.  The food that kids in school can get and the less money that the Government wants to pay for it.

Just like back in the hey-day Reagan years, when the USDA was tasked "with coming up with a solution that maintained nutritional requirements for school lunches in spite of the lower funding," the current House GOP is doing the same thing.  In 1981 the Secretary of Agriculture proposed classifying ketchup and relish as vegetables.  And today, Republicans have a bill that would allow the tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable. (Pam's Houseblend)

So, the low standard is setting in.  Let's not give our school kids nutritional lunches and spend more money. 
Let's call pizza a vegetable.  Is that like calling a cat a dog?

Bet good ol' pizza man, Herman Cain is just thrilled to death.

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