Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What to Call This Time of Year

There is a thing going around on Facebook about whether to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays".  Mostly it is a "don't take the 'Christ' out of Christmas" meme.  Lawmakers in Rhode Island are upset with the Governor for calling the blue spruce erected in the Statehouse a "holiday tree" instead of a "Christmas tree".  He states that maybe the lawmakers "should focus their energy on feeding the poor."  (

But what is the month of December?  Obviously it is not just Christmas.  A Google search of "December Holidays" brings up a nice calendar that shows what holidays there are in December:  Islamic Ashura, Nat'l Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Human Rights Day, Wright Brothers Day, Pan American Aviation Day, Hanukkah, Forefather's Day, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa and of course Christmas Day. (

So, perhaps the better greeting this time of year is "Happy Holidays."  Now, if you are a member of the Scottsdale Gun Club, perhaps there is no 'Christ' in Christmas.  Unless you think Christ would pack heat:

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