Tuesday, November 22, 2011

People are Strange

And not just in the Doors version of it... It is amazing what some people will think.  From some GOP candidates thinking that being gay is a choice: Herman Cain: "I respect their right to make that choice. I don’t have to agree with it." (ThinkProgress.org) And others who think prayer is the answer:  Michele Bachmann with a Christian counseling clinic she co-owns with her husband Marcus offering "reparative" therapy to patients seeking to "cure" their homosexuality. (HuffingtonPost.com)

Now, in Peru, the mayor thinks that gay is in the water.  Huarmey Mayor Jose Benitez noted high levels of strontium in the tap water.  The water comes from Tabalosos, a town which a Lima-based television station once claimed was inhabited by 14,000 gay men.  (HuffingtonPost.com)  Dr. Robert Castro Rodriguez, dean of the College of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Lima says that large amounts of strontium in the body eventually lead to bone cancer, anemia and cardiovascular complications –- but not homosexuality.

Then, right here in America - well, in Iowa - Michele Bachmann's new Iowa campaign Co-Chair, Tamara Scott says that legalizing gay marriage will lead to women marrying the Eiffel Tower.  (HuffingtonPost.com)With the phallic shape of the tower, though, that should be ok with Ms. Scott. 

Only straight women would want to marry it.

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