Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do They Know Who the Victims Really Are?

It is an interesting world we live in.  The people of this country (not all, but some) have the wrong vision of victims.  Children who are abused by a football coach.  Women who are harassed by a restaurateur.  Those are the true victims.  Not the coach or the restaurateur.  But obviously this is not apparent to the people in this country.

When another coach was let go because of the charges of sexual abuse on children while he was in charge, people went crazy.  There were "several violent scenes in which protesters flipped over a media van and destroyed other property."  ( Doesn't sound right.

When the restaurateur was asked at a political debate about his involvement in the harassment accusations, the audience booed the moderator.  (   He also "noted the issue had not dented voter enthusiasm for his campaign to face President Barack Obama." Maybe it should have.

We need to remember the real victims in these stories.

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