Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Truth Hurts

Sometimes, it really does.  Maybe that is why Michelle Bachmann stays away from it so much?  She has told wonderful lies, a whole list of them shows up in a Google search:  "George Washington said 'So Help Me God' at the end of his oath of office." (  She has lied about the dangers of the HPV vaccine and then lied about saying it.  (  There are also a few things about her own past that she claimed that have been proven lies:

Not a Doctor
No Post-Doctorate Degree
Not Descended from a Long Line of Iowa Prairie Preachers
Not a Devoted Family Reunion Attendee
Not an Accidental Candidate
Not From a Swing District
Never in Charge of 23 Foster Kids at Once

So, it is painful and true then that she is a "Lyin' Ass Bitch".  And when Jimmy Fallon's band played that song when she was on his show, they were just paying tribute to her true self.  But, she didn't like it much.  She wants NBC to offer an apology and fire the drummer of the band.  She says "if that song had been played for Michelle Obama, I have no doubt that NBC would have apologized to her."  (

But, when has Michelle Obama lied?

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