Friday, November 4, 2011

The Right Sometimes Don't Think Right

For some, sexual assault would be a bad thing.  But for the potential Republican voters out there, allegations of sexual impropriety against Herman Cain aren't all that bad.  In an ABC News/Washington Post poll, 23 percent support Cain with 24 percent leaning towards Romney.  (ABC News)

Now in other right-wing inconsistency...  U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh announced Thursday that the Family Research Council Action committee commended him on his "support in defense of life and the family."  They did this because he "voted to repeal Obamacare, de-fund Planned Parenthood, end government funding for abortion within the health care law, uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, and continue support for school choice."  He has a "commitment to uphold the institutions of marriage and family."  (

On the other hand, talking about his own family, his ex-wife sued him for $117,437 in allegedly unpaid child support.  Is that upholding the institutions of marriage and family?  A divorced, father of three who doesn't pay child support.  Don't think so.

Earlier this week, Walsh dismissed Cain's sexual harassment allegations, telling every body to grow up. He and the FRC have some growing up to do...

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