Thursday, November 3, 2011

'Cause That is What God Would Do!

Of course God is a bully, right?  An overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.  It must say that somewhere in the Bible.  Maybe in Leviticus?  Well, that is what the Michigan GOP want you to believe.

"Michigan Senate Republicans have passed bill that actually gives license to bully."  (New Civil Rights Movement)   Yep, that's right.  The bill allows anti-gay bullying if you can provide a so-called religious or moral reason.  So you can bully a gay kid into suicide as long as you are doing it for God.  Because really, that is what God wants, right?

The other bad part about this bill? It is named for Matt Epling, a young man who killed himself in 2002 after being bullied.  His father calls the bill "Government-sanctioned bigotry."

Thank God the religious right can continue to bully people to death...

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