Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Protect the Definition of Marriage

That is what the Catholic Bishops want to do.  There are some things wrong with that vow, however.  First, what is the definition of "marriage"?  "According to the Cain Lanamna, which is the Ancient Irish text dealing with marriage" there are several definitions of marriage, and "that marriage is contractual and it is set at a certain number of years before the contract lapses."  So it is a contract. (Lez Get Real)

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, then, want to protect a contract that will expire.  "There is a difference between civil marriage equality and religious marriage."  But, the USCCB wants everybody to live by the definition - their definition - of a religious marriage, and if you ain't a good Catholic, you can't get married.

Makes one wonder, though, if the Catholic church also wants to set the definition of pedophilia.  "Roman Catholic church's pedophile investigator jailed for possessing thousands of child porn images" was a Joe My God Headline of the Day.  The father-of-four was responsible for children's safety at 120 churches and community groups for nine years.  And police found 4,000 child porn images  on his church supplied computer.

Hmmm... what will the church try to define next???

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