Monday, January 10, 2011

Who is to Blame?

We were all shocked to hear on Saturday about the mindless killing of 6 and the wounding of several others in Tucson.  At first there was shock and then there was the typical mudslinging.  The political "vitriol" being blamed for the shots fired.  Vitriol itself is defined as sulfuric acid, which in the aftermath of Saturday seems sadly appropriate.

But, is it only the acidic politics that caused this situation?  Is it Sharron Angle and her "Second Amendment Remedies"? Or Sarah Palin and her "crosshairs" map, relock and reload?  Or is it more?  Maybe it is just the rampant violence and hate that flows so easily through this country. Sarah killing caribou on her 'reality' show, not to feed her family, but because of the ratings and excitement it causes.

There is also signs at National Organization of Marriage rallies that say "Kill the Gays."  There is a Facebook page called "Kill Obama".  The top rated video game is "Call of Duty: Black Ops" and is rated M for mature for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence.  And that is a game!

Maybe it is time to dial back all the violence.  Perhaps guns ought to go back into the hunting cabinet and not be taken to the grocery store.  Maybe politics ought to talk more about what is best for the country and less about how to 'target' or 'kill' legislation or legislators.

Who is to blame?

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