Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bert and Ernie are Better

Better than Bill and Glenn.  Well, at least more trusted then those two.  The second annual TV news trust poll by Public Policy Polling was released on Wednesday.  PBS - maybe not Bert and Ernie really - was the most trusted news outlet with 50% of respondents saying they trust it, as opposed to 30 who don't.

And the most distrusted?  Well, just ask Bill and Glenn.  That would be O'Reilly and Beck.  The poll revealed that 46% of respondents don't trust Fox News.  Go figure.  The least trusted News Outlet on TV.  There are many sites that list the lies that Faux News has told.  (

The question remains, however.  Why does Faux News have the highest Primetime Cable News Ratings? (TVByTheNumbers)  That means that more people watch the least trusted, most untruthful Cable News channel. 

What does that say about people??

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