Monday, January 24, 2011

How Far Should We Go?

This, no doubt, all started with the woman who fell into a mall water fountain while she was texting that was blogged about and made headlines - especially after she decided to sue because the mall's surveillance video went viral. (  But now, two states are thinking about pulling "the plug on texting pedestrians and iPod-obsessed runners." (

Arkansas and New York want to stop those who are distracted by electronic gadgets.  The apparent message?  Distracted pedestrians are dangerous.  So, in Arkansas, peds can only wear headphones in one ear when they are near a motorway.  In New York, electronic devices are completely banned while crossing the crosswalk. It would cost you $100.

Is this a bit too far?  Most states have issues with distracted drivers, and it is illegal to use electronic equipment behind the wheel.  But, is it fair to ban that equipment while you are on your own two feet?

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