Tuesday, January 11, 2011

As Seen on TV

Again, the "reality TV" mentality of our country rears its ugly head.  No, this will not be a mention of "Palin's" one season Alaska show, or other one season shows that won't make it back on TLC.  No, this is just an amazing reflection of the people in this country.

The HuffingtonPost.com Headline:  "Sales in Glock Pistols Up After Arizona Shootings".  Yep, just a few days after 6 die in Arizona, the public has chosen its weapon, the one "popular with police, sport shooters and gangsters."  Just what every household in Greater Phoenix needs.  HuffingtonPost.com

Just goes to show... there really is no such thing as bad publicity.  Then what the hell are the right-wingers all up in arms about.  Even if this was there fault, just think of the ratings it's going to bring in.

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