Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Me Thinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much

The Blogs are all a-gog today over Sarah Palin's 7 minute 43 second protest about being blamed for the shootings in Arizona over the weekend.  There is so much to say about this, and has been said already, by many.

But, first... couldn't Ms. Palin have just said "You, know I am sorry that my graphics back in 2010 were mis-construed as meaning that these people needed to be shot.  That was certainly not my intention and I apologize if that is how that was taken."  But, no... Ms. Palin has not said anything like that at all. And as Amy Sullivan points out on's Swampland, Ms. Palin thinks that others are inciting hatred and violence: 
  • Palin's words are obviously just words and could never ever influence anyone's actions. But the words of her critics are irresponsibly provocative and have the power "to incite hatred and violence"?
And what words did Ms. Palin use today to NOT influence?  “Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn.”

Blood Libel.  Interesting choice of words.  As defined in, it is that " Jews murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays."  Not sure exactly how Ms. Palin thinks that accusing her of inciting the Arizona shootings is just like using children's blood for religious rituals. 

And she is being dragged over the coals for the use of the term.

But in all fairness, and so like Ms. Palin anyway, she stole it from somebody.  "The term was initially used in the context of the Arizona shootings by conservative pundit Glenn Reynolds, who in a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Monday characterized efforts to link the attacks to rhetoric on the right as a “blood libel.”"

So, let's not give too much credit to Ms. Palin.  Heck we've already given her too much ink.  And definitely come November of 2012, let's not give her any votes.

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