Thursday, January 27, 2011

Protecting the Children

There are so many things we have to protect the children from.  There are R-rated movies, some PG13-TV programs.  Heck even the news has stories that the children need to be protected from.  Now, there are a few supermarkets who are trying to protect the children from something nearly as bad...

The supermarkets are Harps Food Stores in Arkansas.  And the grocery chain lets managers at its 65 stores decide to put a shield over a magazine cover if it might be "sexually provocative or too revealing."   And really what is more provocative or revealing than two proud parents and their new child?  Well, perhaps provocative or revealing, considering that the proud parents are two gay men.

An Arkansas supermarket had decided to hide a magazine cover showing Elton John and his same-sex partner David Furnish holding their new baby.  The shield said "Family shield to protect young Harps shoppers."  Because who wants their children looking at that?

Look at the picture: 
That is horrible!
(An Update!  The supermarket reversed its decision Wednesday to hide the magazine cover.  Good for them!)

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