Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The End of the World as We Know It

That could be what is happening.  And, technically, it would be about a year early for the Mayans.  But with all the crazy things going on in the world right now, it could indeed be a fulfillment of a prophecy of biblical proportions.

What are the indicators of destruction, you may ask?  Well, there have been these unexplainable deaths of the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven; and yea, the fishes of the sea (thousands of birds and fish in Arkansas, hundreds of birds in Sweden, Louisiana and Kentucky and 200 cows in Wisconsin). (Time.com)

And what other things are there???  According to the latest ABC/Washington Post poll, the President's approval rating is up to a robust 54%.  (Swampland) That's enough to scare some people.

Then there is this.  Sarah Palin does not stand up so well in the polls:  About 30 percent give her positive marks, while nearly half - 46 percent - disapprove of her actions. (Swampland)

And what is scarier than that is she says: "I am not going to sit down.  I am not going to shut up" (CNN.com)

Hopefully she won't run for president either.  Although, online theologian Paul Begley says "we still need seven years of tribulation" on top of all these other signs before the end of the world.  We got two more years of President Obama, and with a 54% approval, he might get re-elected... that would put us at six years total...

No tribulation there.

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