Friday, January 21, 2011

I will see you in court!

Oh, the things that people sue other people for.  It is amazing.  Like the woman who was video taped falling into a water fountain because she was texting and not looking.  She now is threatening a law suit against the mall security folks who posted the now-viral video.  Her attorney, James M. Polyak said. "We intend to hold the appropriate persons responsible." (

Or, just because celebrities send lots of tweets, VS  Technologies is suing Twitter for infringing on a patent, filed in 2000, for a "Method and system for creating an interactive virtual community of famous people." Not that VS Technologies actually had a twitter tool... just the idea about getting Lady Gaga and Kanye West interactively communing.  (

But this one might take the cake.  A college student claims he was traumatized by an underwhelming session with a Las Vegas prostitute -- and now he's suing her escort service for distress caused by the "tragic event."  (  That's right.  Suing an escort service for $275 - the cost of the underwhelming session - plus $1.8 Million for the distress.

Too bad Hubert Blackman of New York didn't realize that the trade was illegal in Vegas.

Don't think he will get his money back.  Or ever be taken seriously anywhere, ever again.

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