Friday, January 14, 2011

The Devil Made Me Do It

Yes, it is really Satan.  Not any of the idiotic things that a certain Vice-Presidential candidate may have said or done.  (Here's a list of 10 -  Nor could it possibly be the mindless, baseless and irrational... oh wait... Nahh... it is SATAN.

At least according to American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer. Joe.My.God He said on his radio show that for poor Sarah Palin: "The hatred directed at her is mindless, it is baseless, it is utterly irrational, and it is disturbing to an alarming degree."  But, obviously the hate she directs other places isn't?  "When we look into the face of the unvarnished and seething meanness ... We are looking into the face of Satan himself."

So, it is Satan that makes people mean to Sarah.  But, what definition of mean?  Fischer goes on to cite the "malicious invective".  Ms. Palin has strewn some of those type of invectives too.  Does that make her Satan?

No, of course not. She is in the heavenly place.  And the hate-speech towards her is just the  “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”


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