Monday, January 17, 2011

There's an App for That...

There really is... Apple has an app available today that gives access to hundreds of Martin Luther King, Jr quotes.  (

Some of the good ones about equal rights and basic equality:

A right delayed is a right denied.

One day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed...that all men are created equal.

But, thankfully, there isn't an app for everything.  Chuck Colson found Jesus while in prison and is now an "arch-social conservative".  Which basically means that he thinks he is allowed to hate people, and Jesus and the Apostles said it was ok.  So, Chuck wrote an app, an iHate app.  It is called the "Manhattan Declaration App" and it has a document whereby people who oppose same-sex marriage can declare that they would rather go to jail than legitimize homosexuality.

There is a poll on this app and if the user answered what the authors thought was the wrong answer- that is supporting same-sex marriage- it took you to the text of the Declaration, which condemns “immoral sexual partnerships” that will “erode the institution of marriage.”  (

Well, Apple pulled the Manhattan Declaration App due to offensive material.  And the iHaters are not happy about that.  “Apple is telling us that the apps’ content is considered ‘likely to expose a group to harm’ and ‘to be objectionable and potentially harmful to others.' Apple’s statement amounts to the charge that our faith is ‘potentially harmful to others.’”

Makes you wonder if these people ever heard of the bible or Martin Luther King, Jr.  Without equality and with hate their faith is harmful.

Thank God there ain't an app for that.

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