Thursday, January 6, 2011

Turnabout is fair play

Basically the idiom means "It is fair for one to suffer whatever one has caused others to suffer."  And so to be screwed after you screw somebody else might fit just perfectly.  Remember back to October 2007 when the "newspaper" The National Enquirer began a series of reports alleging an adulterous affair between Vice Presidential nominee John Edwards and former campaign worker, Rielle Hunter.

Now, this all happened after Edwards' wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer in November of 2004.  So, while his wife was battling cancer, he was banging the campaign worker and eventually got her pregnant.  He didn't even acknowledge the baby until January of 2010.  Such a nice guy.

Sadly, Elizabeth Edwards died from the cancer December 7, 2010.  But in that turnabout is fair play kind of thing, details of her will were released today.  And basically, John was disinherited.  Ms. Edwards had "$496,000 in cash, securities, household furnishings, vehicles and ownership in businesses. She also owned real estate worth an additional $1 million."  And John isn't mentioned at all.  He doesn't get a dime.

An idiom for an idiot... perfect!

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