Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let's Just Add More

So sometime on Halloween, Monday October 31, 2011, the world's population will hit 7 billion people.  The United Nations Population Fund has a few things to say about that.  It is a good sign, because it shows that we are living longer and more children are surviving world wide.  But not everybody has benefited.  "In some of the poorest countries women are having more babies, stymieing development and perpetuating poverty."  (

The state of Mississippi doesn't look at things that way, it seems.  Ballot Measure 26, if passed, would say that “human life would begin not at birth but at the moment of fertilization."  This would completely outlaw abortion and could possibly make birth control - pills, IUDs, even condoms - illegal.  All sex would be in trouble, because "fertilized eggs on their own have full legal rights, anything that could potentially block that implantation—something a woman’s body does naturally all the time—could be considered murder."  (PamsHouseblend)

Looks like there could be 7 billion people in Mississippi soon.  Don't know if murder will increase or not, but definitely poverty will increase.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cuz that Rainbow Could Kill Ya

Hospital employees with "rainbow identifiers" might just kill you.  That is according to the founder of a "Christian pro-family organization" and executive of Ohio State University Hospitals.  She thinks that America doesn't need anybody with rainbows on their work clothing to care for the sick and injured in hospitals.  (

Now, this has nothing to do with any "somewhere over the rainbow" reference.  Or the optical and meteorological phenomenon seen in the sky.  Nothing to do with ROYGBIV.  Nope, what this is parents needing to "think long and hard" about whether kids should be cared for by hospital workers who "proclaim a homosexual lifestyle."

So, Linda Harvey thinks teh Gays can't properly take care of the children in hospitals.  Although Dr. Desi Bailey, president of the Gay & Lesbian Medical Association says, "Sexual orientation, gender identity and other personal characteristics do not determine a health care provider's competence."  And a 2005 Gallup poll found that 78% of Americans believe lesbians and gay men should be hired as doctors. (They really had to poll that?)

Don't need to worry about rainbows... Maybe just that wicked witch: "I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too!!!"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wouldn't it be More "Auto" Than "Homo"?

That's what one would think.  But leave it to the "church-folk" to get it wrong.  Mark Driscoll, Pastor of the Mars Hill Church in Seattle says that "Masturbation can be a form of homosexuality."  He also is against "premarital sex, feminism, modern interpretations of the Bible, and viewing Jesus as... a neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy."  That's off topic, however.

Driscoll says that "any man who does so [masturbate] without his wife in the room is bordering on homosexuality activity, particularly if he's watching himself in a mirror and being turned on by his own male body."  Now, if he does it, either while his wife is watching/participating or with a picture of her lusting after him, then that is ok. (

Women who do it (and there must be some women out there who do <wink-wink>), aren't in any trouble with Driscoll, because "masturbation is more widely practiced among men." He attributes this to the "more convenient and visible external nature of male genitalia."  Don't know if he has seen the shape of most "toys" that are sold to some women...  kinda external and convenient, really.

Oh well, what can you expect from a pastor in a church on Mars...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The People Who Will Probably Vote Republican

They are kind of scary people.  Well, the people who watch GOP debates are anyway.  It certainly gives a view of the things that they like or dislike.  "Past audience members have booed a gay soldier and cheered at the thought of letting a hypothetical uninsured man die."  Last night they cheered when Herman Cain blamed the unemployed for being unemployed.  (

"Don't blame Wall Street. Don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself."  So no wonder the GOP doesn't have a jobs plan.  Why should they bother with one if it's just the unemployed people's fault.  And why should they support LGBT?  Or the uninsured?  Those voting for them have shown which way they should go.

Now, they do love the silver haired man from CNN.  They booed Rick Perry when he got testy with the moderator, Anderson Cooper.  (

Good to have your priorities straight.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Double Standard

There are people out there who definitely live by a double standard.  First off, everybody is in an uproar over Academy Award winning actress Susan Sarandon calling the Pope a Nazi.  Faux News reported "Actress Susan Sarandon called Pope Benedict XVI a Nazi during a discussion session at the Hamptons Film Festival over the weekend." (

Now, the Pope "was conscripted at the age of 14 into the Hitler Youth" reports Faux News, but evidently he didn't stay in the youth group.  But, he is German and was part of Hitler's group.  So, calling him a Nazi might not be that far off.  Although, the Catholic League of America gets to call Sarandon's comment "obscene". And "Sadly, it’s what we’ve come to expect from her."

And then the double standard.  American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer says that the Occupy Wall Street group is "Welcoming Nazis".  He says that "the Nazi parties in the United States all endorse the Occupy Wall Street movement."  (  Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips also made a similar claim.

It is ok for hate groups and Tea Partiers to call people Nazis, but not ok for a Hollywood actress too?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Really, What is Bullying?

Well, Rick Santorum - or Frothy Mix as some call him - thinks that political satire is bullying.  In a sketch on Saturday Night Live, he was shown to be not a viable candidate in their debate setting - as only viable candidates were sitting at the table.  Where was Santorum? He was shown sitting on a bar stool at a gay bar.  (JoeMyGod)

Santorum is known for his strong anti-gay rhetoric.  The way he says it is "standing up for the traditional family".  Yet some of his words have been very harsh towards the LGBT community.  Which is why he is called Frothy Mix in the first place. Just google search his last name, and you will see why. defines bullying as being "habitually badgered and intimidated" and it is directed primarily to "smaller or weaker people."  Denying rights to a certain group of Americans sounds more like badgering and intimidating then a skit comedy show poking fun.

But, really what is bullying?  Perhaps it is feeling sadness and despair at being called a "fag" and finally getting to the point where you say you can't take it anymore.  That is what happened to a gay 15-year-old Ottawa, Canada teen Jamie Hubley.  He killed himself on Friday because he was bullied and just couldn't take it anymore. (

So, Rick... go the gay bar and have yourself a drink.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Respect for Marriage

Some do, some don't.  Now there are some polygamists who are protesting same-sex marriage, saying “Marriage should be only for a man and his wives.”  Right that's plural.   Not sure if polygamist and bigot Dr. Martin Bell realizes that polygamy is illegal. (  Not sure, with his sixth wife being only 14 when he married her, if that is a respect for marriage.  Bell is being investigated for fraud, rape of a minor, false imprisonment, and polygamy.  But let him protest.

The Veterans Affairs office in Hartford doesn't seem to respect marriage either.  A disabled Navy vet is suing because she can't get the same type of benefits that many straight couples get, because she is married to a woman.  The Defense of Marriage Act does not respect Carmen Cardona, an 18 year veteran, and her spouse's marriage.  Obama has stopped defending DOMA, but House Speaker John Boehner is hell bent to defend it, even if it means bankrupting the United States. (

However, there is some Respect for Marriage.  And this is surprising.  Not that a Senate Committee is going to vote on repealing DOMA, but the first place I read about it was on Faux News.  ( "Sen. Patrick Leahy says the Senate Judiciary Committee he heads will vote next month on legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act."  And the legislation is called Respect for Marriage.

About time we get some respect.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Coming Out

I was married for 10 years, and had two kids, and suddenly decided that marriage wasn't right for me.  I, of course did all the blaming, and we went through mediation and the divorce and all the papers and deciding what to do with those two kids.  I got divorced at 33...  I lived the 'divorcee'life for five years, got myself settled, dated - even slept with some men - and then at 38 I emailed a friend "I think I might be gay". Thankfully for me, she responded "Then do something about that!" 

So, I was 38 when I finally realized what "I" was.  Looking back at my life - I spent prom night with a girl friend at her house drinking daiquiris and smoking pot - had such a crush on her, but it never went anywhere - I had actually divorced my husband because I wasn't good at marital sex.  I finally knew I was gay.  I came out...  I found a "new" friend on some dating site and it turned out she went to high school with my sister and was married.  We were in a long term (5 years) relationship that ended abruptly and I was on my own again. 

During my "coming out", my son, who at 16 was comfortable with himself, came out.  He posted on his MySpace page that he was gay.  I commented "I am happy for you and remember... men suck". (HA HA)  We all have our places.  We, my kids and I, have had a terrific relationship - before and since.  Both my kids - the straight daughter and the gay son were in GSA way before any of this happened.  My son, almost reluctantly, had to tell his Dad.  And was very well accepted. 

I have a better relationship with their father than I ever had before, and both kids understand the "divorce" so much better.  Being honest with yourself actually does make life easier.  Being able to finally tell the world that you are who you are is the best thing. My family and friends are very comfy with who I am.  It is very much a relief.

Homophobia is stupid.  Why be afraid of something that is as natural as lactose intolerance.... some people got it, and some don't

Friday, October 7, 2011

Just Need to Save the Money

Yesterday, it was pointed out that in an effort to create jobs, the government in Florida was going to allow dwarf tossing so the little people could get work.  Today, in an effort to save money, the government in Kansas is taking another step.  Topeka is going to legalize Domestic Violence.  "Shawnee County District Attorney Chad Taylor announced ... that he isn't going to prosecute misdemeanors anymore, which includes those for domestic violence, because he's too broke to deal with it."  (

The county commission has voted to cut the DA's budget by 10%.  So, in order to just save some money, the Topeka City Council decided to repeal the city code that makes domestic battery illegal.  That has allowed dozens of domestic violence case to be turned away and three alleged offenders released from jail.

Smart move.  And as pointed out by Kari Ann Rinker, the coordinator of the Kansas chapter of the National Association for Women, the DA's problem is with funding in 2012... and this is only 2011.

Oh, and October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Nice job.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just Toss it Over There...

It seems some Republicans do have a "jobs" plan.  Maybe not the Republicans in Washington, D.C., but the ones in the state of Florida.  Now, this little plan for jobs is only for a certain group of people.  That being dwarfs.  Rep. Ritch Workman (R) is spearheading an effort to repeal a longstanding ban on "dwarf-tossing."  (

Workman says  "All we really did by passing that law was take away some employment from some little people."  And the little people?  They labeled the activity as an event where "the person with dwarfism is objectified and dehumanized in the name of 'entertainment.'"  But, really, why should Workman worry about that?  He is not a dwarf.

Workman says "I'm on a quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people."

Wonder what he thinks about same-sex marriage?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hot Girl or Maverick?

Well, in her own eyes, Sarah Palin is a maverick.  At least that is what she told Greta Van Sustern:  "someone like me, who's a maverick -- you know, I do go rogue and I call it like I see it" when she was asked if she was going to make a decision soon on running for president.  (  And this was on Faux News. 

But elsewhere in Faux News news, Fox News president Roger Ailes has a different view of Mrs. Palin.  In a recent interview with the Associated Press concerning his 15th anniversary at Faux News, he told them "I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings."   He also has said that he thought Good Ol' Sarah was "stupid" and "an idiot".  (

That does say a lot about Faux News.  It really isn't just "Fair and Balanced" political reporting.  It's all about high ratings and Hot Girls....

Got it.  And she ain't that hot...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Picking a Fight

What is the definition of Congress?  This week it might be hypocrisy.  On one hand the GOP lawmakers are fighting for eliminating federal aid for family planning and covering abortions. (  They are demanding that federal money to Planned Parenthood be stopped.  They yell at the top of their lungs that things like NPR and FEMA should not receive any money either.

And here is the hypocrisy.  No spending money, unless...  "House Republicans have agreed to a new contract to pay a private law firm up to $1.5 million to defend the Defense of Marriage Act." ( The Attorney General had decided back in February that DOMA was unconstitutional and would no longer fight to support it.  But, House Speaker John Boehner thinks this is something that the money should be spent on.

This seems to no longer be just a fight over money.  This is definitely a fight over social policy.  And it looks like the right-wing, homophobic, anti-women's rights group is going to win the fight.