Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Double Standard

There are people out there who definitely live by a double standard.  First off, everybody is in an uproar over Academy Award winning actress Susan Sarandon calling the Pope a Nazi.  Faux News reported "Actress Susan Sarandon called Pope Benedict XVI a Nazi during a discussion session at the Hamptons Film Festival over the weekend." (FoxNews.com)

Now, the Pope "was conscripted at the age of 14 into the Hitler Youth" reports Faux News, but evidently he didn't stay in the youth group.  But, he is German and was part of Hitler's group.  So, calling him a Nazi might not be that far off.  Although, the Catholic League of America gets to call Sarandon's comment "obscene". And "Sadly, it’s what we’ve come to expect from her."

And then the double standard.  American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer says that the Occupy Wall Street group is "Welcoming Nazis".  He says that "the Nazi parties in the United States all endorse the Occupy Wall Street movement."  (RightwingWatch.org)  Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips also made a similar claim.

It is ok for hate groups and Tea Partiers to call people Nazis, but not ok for a Hollywood actress too?

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