Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let's Just Add More

So sometime on Halloween, Monday October 31, 2011, the world's population will hit 7 billion people.  The United Nations Population Fund has a few things to say about that.  It is a good sign, because it shows that we are living longer and more children are surviving world wide.  But not everybody has benefited.  "In some of the poorest countries women are having more babies, stymieing development and perpetuating poverty."  (

The state of Mississippi doesn't look at things that way, it seems.  Ballot Measure 26, if passed, would say that “human life would begin not at birth but at the moment of fertilization."  This would completely outlaw abortion and could possibly make birth control - pills, IUDs, even condoms - illegal.  All sex would be in trouble, because "fertilized eggs on their own have full legal rights, anything that could potentially block that implantation—something a woman’s body does naturally all the time—could be considered murder."  (PamsHouseblend)

Looks like there could be 7 billion people in Mississippi soon.  Don't know if murder will increase or not, but definitely poverty will increase.

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